Grantee Communications Kit
Congratulations on your grant award from the Siebert Lutheran Foundation! Your grant from Siebert is a great achievement that we hope you will share with your community. Siebert’s Promotional Kit provides guidance for publicizing and spreading the word about your grant project and your organization. Resources include:
In addition to the guidelines that follow, please make the most out of your connection with Siebert Lutheran Foundation by staying in touch:
Subscribe to our e-newsletter
Follow us on Twitter
Like us on Facebook
Subscribe to our YouTube channel
If you have any questions, please contact our Director of Communications, Kalyani Grasso.
Suggested Siebert Acknowledgements
Credit Line
“This project [program, initiative or whatever describes your grant] was made possible in part by the Siebert Lutheran Foundation…”
Siebert Logo
Horizontal: Black and White | Color
Vertical: Black and White | Color
Follow Siebert Logo Standards Guide (PDF)
Boiler Plate
About Siebert Lutheran Foundation: The Siebert Lutheran Foundation, as a steward of its resources and relationships, enables the Lutheran community to be more collaborative, creative, and effective in how it shares the Word of God, how it educates and instills Christian values in our youth, and how it serves people in need. Siebert is a private independent foundation and was established by the late Albert F. Siebert to fund Christian ministries identified with Lutheran churches and organizations within Siebert’s funding priorities in Wisconsin. Siebert Serves, an initiative launched in 2019, helps Christians maximize their life’s impact to God’s glory through customized philanthropy management services ranging from one-time grant making to long-term disbursement of donor assets. In 2021, Siebert granted $4.5 million to 100 organizations and ended the year with $134 million in total assets. The Foundation has granted $145 million since 1976. www.siebertfoundation.org
Acknowledgement of Support in Grant Products
Please include an acknowledgment of Siebert support in all grant programs/projects, publications, and websites developed with Siebert funding. Acknowledgement should include the credit line and Siebert logo where space permits. Posters or brochures about Siebert-funded programs and projects may also include the Siebert logo. Online mentions should link to the Siebert website (siebertfoundation.org), include the Siebert logo and/or the credit line.
Acknowledgement of Support in Publicity and Public Events
News Releases
The Siebert boiler plate and logo (where applicable) should be used in your press releases.
Social Media
When promoting the initiative or program on social media, Siebert support should be acknowledged with our corresponding social media account tagged.
Press Events
Siebert support should be orally acknowledged during all news media interviews, including radio, television, and press conferences.
Public Events
At programs or public gatherings related to your award, acknowledge Siebert orally. Display the logo on signage at events. See the Siebert Logos section for details. (anchor link to that section above)
Recorded Audio/Video
Audio/video broadcasts must include the tagline, “This project is made possible in part by a grant from the Siebert Lutheran Foundation.” Video broadcasts should display the Siebert logo.
If you have any questions regarding the forms of acknowledgment, please contact our Director of Communications, Kalyani Grasso.
Tips for Sharing Your News with the Public
Sharing the news of your Siebert grant with the community can raise awareness about your organization’s mission! Here are some ideas for basic publicity that can help extend the news of your award, build goodwill with your key stakeholders, and educate the public and other funders about your value to the community.
Interacting with News Media
Develop a distribution list in advance. To reach the broadest audience, your list should include local newspapers, radio stations, television stations. Are there reporters who regularly cover topics related to your activities? Address the press release to the features/nonprofit/education editor at the newspaper and to the assignment editor at television or radio stations. Your distribution list could include online media and blogs, local papers, radio stations, television stations, and news and wire services.
Prepare a News Release. The basic way of communicating with news media about your Siebert grant is with a news release. An effective release provides the “who, what, when, and where” of your news announcement and contact information for someone at your ministry who can provide additional information. One strategy for getting attention for your release is to tie your announcement to a relevant event or current news issue.
Issue your release. Email the release to your distribution list, sending to one person at each outlet at a time. Do not copy others on your email and be sure to include a personal note above the release that shows the recipient you know they cover this type of news. Remember timing is important. There are a variety of factors that determine whether your story will receive coverage.
Pitch the story. Follow up your release by emailing key media contacts to confirm their receipt and to pitch your story. Present the facts quickly and emphasize why this would interest readers or viewers. If there is interest and relevance, you might offer to set up an interview with the director or a behind-the-scenes tour of your facility. The most important part of an email pitch is the subject line. It is being reviewed along with hundreds of others in the course of a day, so yours must stand out.
Social Media
Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram, are powerful tools for sharing news of your institution with a potentially large number of people and engaging them in an interactive way. If you already have social media presence on at least one platform, use it (or all the ones you have) to amplify your news to a broader audience. Don’t forget to tag Siebert’s applicable social accounts and we will share your post with our audience as well!
Stakeholder Outreach
In addition to using traditional media and social media, your stakeholders – the many groups on whom your success depends – can help get the word out. The more you can share your grant with different audiences, the more that people understand the role and the importance of your organization’s mission.
Every grantee will have different groups and organizations that are stakeholders in their grant. Before you even applied for this grant, you probably already thought about groups in your community that would benefit from your grant or be interested in it. Here is a sample list of contacts to consider:
Your organization’s beneficiaries/participants
Other foundations
Individual donors
Board of Directors
Industry associations
Community and neighborhood associations
Community calendar listings (if there is an associated event)
Siebert Quote
To enhance your promotion of the grant, a Siebert program officer or Siebert’s president will provide a quote about your program and why Siebert’s Directors approved funding to support your organization. Please email our Director of Communications, Kalyani Grasso, to request a quote.